Thursday, March 27, 2008

I'm a proud parent!

This is something Lylli did in school. I'm not sure what they were supposed to be doing exactly, (she rarely tells me that sort of thing) but I was proud of what she came home with.

This was written on the back of her picture. I tried to rotate it, but I have been unsuccessful in getting it to transfer into this program. So, in case you can't read it all, here's what it says. (I am spelling the words correctly so you know what it says, although she did a pretty good job.)

God is real and he sent us commandments. Commandments give us clues and instructions. That's why we go to church. Well, your parents can teach you! Well it is awsome! It is fun to learn about God! If you know about God, you are smart. The end.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


We colored Easter Eggs on Friday night at my parents' house. Seryn didn't last long but we got a picture. And the other girls had a great time coloring eggs with Grandma and Grandpa!

My family has always celebrated Easter on Saturday so that we can think of the atonement on Sunday. It has always worked well for us and now Shane and I do that with the girls over at my parents' house. So this morning, we woke up, went over for breakfast, and found our baskets. We had a great time! It was Seryn's first Easter and she was more interested in the candy on the floor than her basket!

Seryn's basket is right there, but she's more interested in the candy!
Layla and Lylli finding Layla's basket.
Layla and her loot.
Lylli collecting the candy.
Seryn was content eating.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Dancing Girls

The girls' friend, Kiana, was over tonight and the three of them had a great time. They even had a 'dance show.' In case you're wondering, Kiana is in the purple, Lylli is in the green, and Layla is in the pink. They love to dance and watch themselves in the fireplace windows. They are so cute. I hope you think so too.

Dancing Girls

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day

We almost forgot it was St. Patrick's Day but quickly remedied the situation before anyone left the house. Last week was Spring Break and it was nice enough the girls got to play outside a little. They really enjoyed that! Especially because they got to go to Grandma's Park. Here's a picture of Lylli with her new sidewalk chalk. She had a great time with it.

Seryn just started to say Dada on Saturday. Shane thinks it's fun and I can't believe she's getting so big. This is a shot of her smoothy mustache.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

A Wonderful Seven Years!

Today, Shane and I have been married for seven years! We have had struggles and trials and will have a good many more before we are through. But I love him. And through it all we have also had many blessings. Three of which, I have posted in a slide show below. I just wanted you all to know how much I love my Handsome!!! He is the love of my life and I look forward to a good many more years with him. I love you Shane!

Our Three Blessings

Monday, March 10, 2008

Ready for Summer!

Aren't these flip-flops cute? I find myself buying as much as I can for the girls to match. All too soon they will resent matching each other. So I'll do it while they still like it!
Such silly girls! The weather has been so nice the girls want to wear their new shoes outside. But it hasn't been THAT nice. My poor girls have such a mean mother.
Lylli likes to read books to her "class." It's a good time for me to find out how her teacher conducts her classes. And she is so cute when she plays school. And she's such a good little reader. She is way beyond her kindergarten class and does reading with the first graders.
Layla is my little helper and loves to help Mom, no matter what the task. The vacuum is great because it gets small enough for the girls to use and they love it! (Too bad that won't last ten years from now.)

Monday, March 3, 2008


I like puzzles, though I don't have time to do them much and the pieces always scatter on the floor. And with small mouths that taste everything on the floor, puzzles are not the wisest of ideas. This last weekend, Shane had class. And to pass the time, he found this website that has jig saw puzzles. It was a ton of fun! Last night, he and I would pick the same puzzle and race to see who would get done first. You pick the picture and then you can also change the peice number and shape. We did a bridge picture with bird-shaped pieces. And some other fun ones. I won at all but the first. The one that kicked my hind end was the Full Moon at Coast, 79 piece star. Shane beat me by two minutes!!!! It took me 18+ minutes. But I tried it again this morning and did it in 11:31!!!!!! Give it a try! It's lots of fun!

(I can't get this to lock on the 79 piece star so if you want to try that one, you'll have to change the cut.)
Don't get discouraged by this one. Try it with a different cut or a different puzzle. They're lots of fun! And there are no messes!!!!