Layla had a great time! She's made lots of new friends and loves to be in the action! Her teacher asked me if I had gotten any pictures of her front. I said, yes, but that most of them were blurry. Layla was turned around half the time. She just had to see what the kids behind her were doing. And when she was facing forward, she was in constant motion! Her teacher also told me that from time to time, she could hear Layla whispering to the kids around her, "Hands in your lap. Turn around and be quiet. Don't forget to smile." She is such a breath of fresh air! And she was pretty darn cute today!
So they had their program and then we had a Thanksgiving Feast! The kids had a great time, and Layla was completely in her element. You don't suppose she has theater in her blood, do you?
And, the other day, after the rehearsal, I was visiting with the pianist, Bev Reese, and she asked if I knew Bevery Lorimer. Well, what do you know? As a matter-of-fact, it turns out I know her pretty well. I thought it was pretty funny.