One night, Lylli gave us a lesson in FHE about being children of God and therefore princes and princesses in His kingdom. I think she got the story out of one of the Friends. Anyway, the girls made these crowns and, though you can't necessarily tell from the picture, they had a great time and loved them!!! (And look at all of Lylli's missing teeth!! I'll have to get a better picture. She's missing her two front ones as well!)

Seryn has been taking her clothes and diaper off a lot lately. I'll go into her room in the morning and she's stripped down to her onsie. No diaper, no jammies!!!! Ach! But so far, no accidents. (Unless you count the times she keeps pooping in the tub. Though it is humorous that she and Layla scream and cry - like the poop will hurt them if it touches them!!!) Seryn also likes to take the clothes out of the drawers and put them on. Sometimes they go on over her clothes and sometimes she strips down. Here, she has on two or three of her swimming suits on. AND, you guessed it, no diaper!

Sometimes it's hard to believe, but occasionally my children actually like each other! Incredible, I know. But here is one instance. Aren't they adorable? Layla doesn't read like Lylli does, but she has a wild imagination and the stories she tells are lots of fun!
That's it for today. I'll try to do better next month!