Okay, I had a few minutes to do a post. Now, I don't profess to be an expert on laundry, but I don't do too terrible. I sort things based on fabric and color, mostly. In fact, after I'm done sorting the laundry, it usually looks something like this.

See the darks and the whites and the heavy colors and the cotton colors. Pretty standard, or so I thought.
I have been busy editing my book this week and the house has kind of gone by the way side. (Of course, Shane was out of town a couple days and that didn't help.) So today, Shane decided to help me out by getting the laundry downstairs, sorted, and started. This is what I came home to. (Keep in mind, these are the same clothes as above, just sorted differently.)

Now, I'm not complaining because I'm ever so grateful that he wanted and tried to help me out. But look closely. Do you see any kind of a pattern here? I actually had to call him to figure out the logic behind his sorting. He told me he didn't really know!!! But he put
all of the socks with the jeans, and then made a pile of lighter colors and darker colors. He also said there was a pile of knits too (which, incidentally, I found under the large pile on the right.) And from my guesses, the lighter colors are on the left and the darker colors are on the right. Now, perhaps this is the normal way of sorting laundry. I don't know. But it made me laugh! (And I had to redo it.) So I think I'll stick with what works for me. And thank you so much, Shane, for helping me out. I really do appreciate the gesture!!!