The week was pretty smooth sailing until Layla's birthday on Friday. (Should we blame that? No.) Seryn woke up Friday morning with a suspicious rash. When she first woke up, I suspected chicken pox, but the more the day wore on, and after some collaboration, we decided she's allergic to amoxicillin. It's just funny because she only had a dose or two left. But the poor thing broke out in terrible hives! And this is only her stomach!
This is me, effectively wasting a Saturday morning on the Wii. But hey, we're working out! And it's great Mommy daughter time! Behold: the Warrior pose!
And the Palm Tree pose. (I think.)
For those of you who haven't heard, we FINALLY sold our house!!! YAY! No, we don't have anywhere to go yet, but we're working on it. We're supposed to be gone by June 22, so we'll see what happens. In the mean time, we've started packing. And Layla discovered some of the computer games. She is VERY good at them!!! And she loves them. This is Layla and Seryn playing Dora the Explorer.
Then today, while Lylli was in school, Layla decided to teach Seryn how to ride the tri-cycle.
Unfortunately for Layla, Seryn LOVES it and can peddle by herself!!! Which means, Layla actually has to ride her own bike!!!
And yes, Layla really can ride a two wheeler bike with no training wheels and has been able to for a month or so now. But then, Lylli now has to ride her bike too. Such a rough life!
And lastly, but certainly not least... Tonight Lylli had her very first piano recital! She was terribly nervous all day and invited one of her good friends and then was devastated when he couldn't go. But she did a great job!! I think that's the best I've heard her! She made only one mistake at the VERY end of her second song and was the only piano student to have her songs memorized!!!! We are so very proud of her! Thanks Mom for teaching her. She loves it!
Ach! I haven't even posted birthday pictures yet! I'll have to do that in the next post.