A couple weeks ago, Lylli had a field trip to Thermopolis to visit the Dinosaur Museum. Since Shane and I have never been either, the entire family went. We had a good time, but most of my pictures didn't turn out very well.
Lylli's favorite was the Supersaurus.
Seryn and Layla at the dig site. The kids were all excited and thought we would get to dig, but we were just looking at the fossils in the ground. Sorry kids!
Shane's mom got the girls some ballet pajamas. They are shirts, pants, and little tu-tu's. (Okay, don't laugh. I have no idea how to spell it, but you know what I'm talking about.) To say the girls love them would be putting it mildly. They have been wearing the tu-tu's around the house all day and all night, with or without the rest of the ensemble.