Friday, April 30, 2010

Layla's Done with Soccer

This was Layla's original team. It seemed like every week there were more and more kids. The one to her right is her friend, Taylor.

These other pictures are from yesterday's game. It was her last game. She did better and better each game and had a lot of fun!

I love her tongue hanging out!

Yesterday's weather was strange. It was cold and a bit windy. It would be sunny for a few minutes and then snowing! Thought we were maybe back in Wyoming! :)

What's a good soccer game without the loving support of family? This is Seryn and her friend Coby. Coby is Taylor's brother!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Popcorn on the trees

Okay, I put a picture at the top of all the trees here a couple weeks ago. I've never seen anything like this before! We call them popcorn trees and they are EVERYWHERE! Unfortunately my allergies are going CRAZY! But they look neat.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


What a month!!! We've been so busy! And while I've been on the computer, I've been working on my book. And, three days ago, I finally submitted it!!! Whoo Hoo!!!!
But I'll start at the beginning!
We got to have Easter at our home this year. We've always been with family for Easter and it was a BIG change. But we had a nice time. We colored eggs on Friday night, the Easter Bunny came Saturday morning, and we did our Easter dinner on Sunday after conference.

Seryn has also been learning to ride her bicycle! She had great balance last year but was too short! This year, she's a little taller and doing well! She demanded Shane put the pedals back on, so he did, but not the training wheels. He's been able to let go a couple times and she can go by herself a short ways. I don't think it will be much longer now!

It's been so nice lately!! So warm! One day it was in the mid 70's! I took the girls on a bike ride, which is always fun! We did a couple last fall and I'm excited to get to do them more often!

Some of you know that I attended the LDStorymaker's Writer's Conference this weekend! It was TONS of fun!!! I learned lots and got to meet some neat people! I even met some of my favorite authors and friends! People like Joyce DiPastena, author of Loyalty's Web and Illuminations of the Heart. And Sarah M. Eden, author of Courting Miss Lancaster. And Liz Adair, author of Counting the Cost. Tristi Pinkston, Hearther Justensen, Nicole Giles, Kari Pike (mother of Aprilynn Pike), Tina Scott, Aubrey Mace, Marsha Ward, Stacy Anderson, (just to name a few.) I met TONS of other people and authors. I had so much fun! This picture is of my online writing group ANWA (well, those of us who attended the Whitney Awards Banquet last night.) ANWA (American Night Writers Association) is one of the best things I've ever done as a writer. They are so supportive and helpful and just a lot of fun!!!

(I will have more pictuers on my writing blog in a day or two!)
Since I was gone, and being in Provo, Shane was in charge of the girls. That's something our family has never experienced before. He's never been in charge for two whole days before and found it more challenging than he thought! And Lylli learned how much her mom helps her remember everything for school!
So, we're doing well and I will try harder to keep up better on my blog!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Rice Krispie Easter Eggs

If you ever need a fun, crative, food craft for Easter, this is it! I did this for Lylli's party today and it turned out great! The kids thought they were awesome! I molded rice krispie treats to look like eggs. Then I let them dip them in colored sugar and frost them with frosting. You could use candy too if you wanted! They were lots of fun. These are the left-overs I just sugared here at home! Happy Eastser! (I'll put the full recipe on the recipe blog!)