While at Lenay's the girls made gingerbreatd houses with their cousins.

Layla's philosophy is the more candy the better. And all on top!

Lylli just wants to get hers done.

And Seryn is very meticulous about where everything goes!
They had lots of fun!
Seryn's house! (She did it all herself. I didn't do anything!)

Layla's house is at the far right and Lylli's is next to hers. (Hailey and Ella's are the huge ones.)
We spent the holiday over at my parents' and had a wonderful time! While there, the girls even got to give Grandpa a shave! They thought that was fun! I think he was incredibly brave or crazy!
This is the before shot. You always need one of those.
Lylli was the first one. I think Dad trusted her more. Or maybe since she was oldest she bullied her way first. (shrug) Who knows.
Then there was Layla. She was a little eager and went a little fast, but figured it out pretty fast!
And Seryn. I was surprised she was as careful as she was, although I probably shouldn't be. But she was very worried about hurting Grandpa.
And after the girls had him shaved, Lylli gave him a hair cut!
We had a great time at home and hope everyone had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!