I have eight beautiful daughters who are the love of my life and a wonderful husband who is my eternal companion! In 2009 I published my first novel, By Love or By Sea. I love to write, sing, and be a mom!
Over Christmas break, Lylli decided to do a science project. She asked me if butter was made out of oil. I told her it was made out of cream. So we decided to make it into an experiment. She did some research and she tried several methods. One of them was shaking them in a jar with a marble. She tried cream, oil, and a combination of the two. The cream worked. The oil didn't. And the combination turned into thick whipped cream but nothing more. She tried it with a mixer too and without the marble. She had a great time and loves her homemade butter!!!
Last weekend, we went to a dirt track to watch some friends race on bikes. They have a group where all the kids can ride around part of the track and they all get trophies. Layla decided she wanted to do it, and a guy there let her borrow a bike. She was SO excited and had SO much fun!!! She did a great job too! Even though the bike was too big for her!
This is Layla's race. She had to stop on the first hill. (I thought she got stuck but she stopped so she didn't hit someone.) She did a great job and says she won her race!!! She had a blast! Shane didn't race, but he did borrow his buddie's bike and helmet and went around the track a couple times. This is his second run. His first on he lost his shoe!! Funny!
I made Seryn a house for Christmas! Now all three girls have houses. I don't know if any of them love them as much as Seryn does. She creates an entire village when she plays. Sometimes she even has all the barbies and small animals too. It's really cute! (Lylli's is the one on the left, Seryn's is in the middle, Layla's is the green one on the right.) The insde of Seryn's house with the furnature and her Kelly doll.