The Easter Bunny came Saturday morning and we found baskets, ate cinnomon rolls and boiled eggs for breakfast.

Then tonight, we had our big Easter dinner with some friends. We had such a fabulous dinner!! I posted the recipes on the family recipe blog, so you can get them there if they interest you.
I didn't want to buy a $30 ham, but Jerry brought us some meat a couple months back and brought a leg of lamb, so we had Herb Crusted Leg of Lamb. We had Twice Baked Potatos which I made up as I went along. But I do that with everthing. We had Deviled Eggs, compliments of Betty Crocker. When we went out for our anniversary dinner, Shane got some Butter Maple Carrots, so I came up with a recipe for those and her really liked them! We had a Fruit Salad and Feather Light Rolls.
We finished with an Angel Food Torte, that was fabulous!!! I have recently become enamored with angel food cakes from scratch. I have always been afraid to make them because they call for so many egg whites. I will never care again! The last time I made a box mix, it was spongy and had a weird flavor, due to the powder egg whites, or something. Anyway, a real one if FABULOUS! My Betty Crocker recipe calls for vanilla flavor and almond. I've replaced the almond with orange. I'd like to replace it with coconut. I also like to fold in shaved chocolate. Leaving the chocolate in chips or chunks is too heavy. But the shavings are wonderful.
All in all we had a great Easter!!
Oh, this week, I also made Toffee, Peanut Butter Eggs, and Cadburry Eggs! Yummy!!