The girls each get to invite a couple friends. Layla, being the loving soul she is, invited more friends than she was supposed to and therefore earned herself her own party. (Don't ask.) (She's the one bottom right.)
Lylli, of course, only invited three friends and only one could come, but I think they had a good time. Although, I can never get a good picture of that kid. I even took a couple and this was the best one. Crazy, I know!
Seryn, in all her silly glory, (middle) had all her friends show up. It was interesting to watch my girls interact with their friends. I'm proud of my girls for choosing such good friends. They seem to come from great families! That's always so nice!
The Blevins came over too, but for some reason, I didn't get pictures of them. Needless to say, we had a great day full of pink and sweet!