For any of you who have been around me much, you know I always call Shane, my Handsome. It's a nickname that used to embarass him a lot and I used it because he didn't believe it. Now he is starting to believe it and it has stuck. And he is very handsome!

Shane is not feeling well today and so naturally my thoughts turn to him. He is applying for a new job and decided that he needed to look more professional. His hair was long before, but it didn't look aweful (although this is not the best picture. I took this just before he went in for his hair cut, something he was loathe to do.) He didn't want to cut his hair, but decided he needed to look more professional and look more like an authority figure, since the job is working with the youth of the community. (He always had lots of compliments on his long hair and he had some beautiful curls!!! Any girls dream!)
Personally, I think he looks good now. It's almost like I have finally found the man I married!! He
no longer seems to be running from the guy he is supposed to be. Or, at least he's not running as fast!
Shane and the guys he works with have graduations for their clients when they have completed their program and have stayed clean a certain number of days. Anyway, for their graduations, I always make a cake or dessert of some kind. This last one, I took a picture of. It looked so pretty!!!! And the frosting was to die for! It has coconut sprinkled over the top and then has a garland of blueberries and mint leaves. I thought it looked pretty good and Shane says it tasted good too.
I do like Shane Hair cut. And that Cake Rachel looks so pretty and yummy too!
That cake is impressive! You'll have to let Shane know that we think you are an excellent cook. Is he getting used to the hair yet?
I think Shane is getting used to his hair, although begrudgingly so. It helps that people think it looks good. Even the people who liked his long hair like his hair cut. The funny thing is, he's getting really annoyed with everyone commenting on it! But it's good for him.
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