Saturday, March 22, 2008


We colored Easter Eggs on Friday night at my parents' house. Seryn didn't last long but we got a picture. And the other girls had a great time coloring eggs with Grandma and Grandpa!

My family has always celebrated Easter on Saturday so that we can think of the atonement on Sunday. It has always worked well for us and now Shane and I do that with the girls over at my parents' house. So this morning, we woke up, went over for breakfast, and found our baskets. We had a great time! It was Seryn's first Easter and she was more interested in the candy on the floor than her basket!

Seryn's basket is right there, but she's more interested in the candy!
Layla and Lylli finding Layla's basket.
Layla and her loot.
Lylli collecting the candy.
Seryn was content eating.


Michelle said...

Looks like you had fun this year. Carson was really more interested in eating the candy than putting it in his basket, too. WHy save it for later when you can eat it now? Of course, he doesn't have anyone else racing him to get the most candy yet.

LindsC said...

Looks like you had a blast, how fun to be able to go to your parents and do your traditions.