For those of you who don't know, Seryn is walking now. She turned 11 months yesterday. It's pretty crazy for me. Lylli and Layla weren't walking until they were 13 or 14 months. But Seryn has been crawling since she was six months. I think it will be nice that she can walk this summer. She doesn't like to sit or crawl on the grass or pavement. So it will be nice for her to be able to walk.

The weather has been so crazy here that we have been taking every opportunity to enjoy the warm weather when it is here. Just last Saturday, Shane was out of town, so the girls and I went to Mike Cedar Park for an hour. It was 70ish! So nice. Today it's like 45. Anyway, the girls had a great time and there were lots of other kids enjoying the warm weather too.
I can't believe what a big girl Seryn is! It goes by way too fast doesn't it. I'm really hoping that the sun starts shining again sometime soon because both my kids keep asking to go to the park with Sister Rager and Leyla (in Kiana's case) and Lylli and Seryn (in Wyatt's case)I hope that you're feeling better and let me know if I can ever take the girls!
Sorry that we spelled your name wrong Layla, I really know how to do it right :)
I love all those pics of your girls in the tree and outside. That's esciting that you've got a walker she will probablly enjoy the summer more, you just might be more busy. :)
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