The girls got these darling outfits for Easter. I simply love them. The shirt is an islet material and looks so good on all three!
These are the dresses Grandma made for them. They are so cute and the girls love the fact that their cousin, Natalie, has one too.
These are their birthday dresses. They are pretty fun. Every time I dress the girls alike, I have people ask if I made their dresses because their sizes are so different. I would love to say yes, but ever since Seryn was born, I just haven't felt much up to sewing. But I was lucky enough to find some outfits at Sam's Club several months ago that had sizes 2-6 and I bought seveal different ones. Lylli's is almost too small but still fits and Seryn's is big. But it works and they're sooooo cute!!
You may not be able to see these very well but they are white islet with purple trim and were so cute for Nana's wedding. I did sew on sleeves because they were sleeveless and I knew I'd never get them to wear shirts under them. They turned out pretty cute. (I guess I really need to get a picture of just the three of them before they grow out of them or stain them!)
Have a great weekend!
I love those outfits! Soooo, cute! I have some dresses without sleeves and your totally right. I always have an agrument about making her wear a shirt underneath.
Hey, Ragers!!! How are you guys? Martin said you contacted him on facebook and that you had a blog!! Your girls are so adorable. We haven't seen you in forever. Last time we were in Casper we wanted to get together with ya, but then we never have as much time there as we think we're going to have!! Anyway, congrats, Shane on your graduation and that's neat that his mom got married!!
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