August has been a crazy month!!! And it's not even over yet! After our family reunion, we went to Northern Colorado for a friend's wedding. It was fun! We spent the day hiking and Shane and
Lylli went in the paddle boat while Layla and
Seryn took naps. And we just had a nice relaxing time!
Lylli and Shannon Nelson get along great and this is
Lylli wearing Shannon's jacket and sunglasses.

Aren't the girls so cute?! These flowers were part of the centerpieces and they stuck them in their hair. Everyone thought it was so cute that all three girls were wearing matching dresses, but I really did it so that I only had to look for one dress three times (rather than three dresses one time.)

No matter what anyone says, it's always nice to be home. And Shane and the girls
definitely made the most of it! One of the favorite summer activities at our house is to take the sides off the garden wagon and ride it down the street!!! The kids (Shane included) had a blast! Although, at first, Layla was a little scared and instead of watching Shane and her sister go down the street, she ran after them screaming because she thought they were going to crash!

Shane was looking into buying a new car, an Infinity. But we decided to pay off school loans instead. And he's been looking at a new bow for sometime. So we didn't get the car and got him a new bow instead. (A much cheaper option.) It actually blends in with the trees behind it! (Of course, when the car dealership called with a new number a couple days later, Shane considered it again. But he didn't get it.) He really likes his new bow and hopefully he'll be able to catch something with it this fall!

I know this isn't the best picture of anyone, but I still love this picture. The girls love to play at Grandma and Grandpa's house! And sitting on the couch is always a fun thing to do! (Seryn keeps pointing to this picture and saying Grandpa and smiling!)
Lylli making a sandcastle at Grandma's park.

We really didn't do much school clothes shopping this year because I'm poor, (I just bought Shane that bow!) and they haven't had great sales yet. (Besiedes, the girls have so many clothes it's tempting to just wait until Christmas.) But we went downstairs and pulled out some boxes of clothes for Layla. She and I go shopping for her downstairs! She fits into a dress now and
Lylli has one to match too. They are so cute!
Lylli wasn't thrilled because she wanted to read her book!

And here is my sunshine pulling faces. Note: she's not mad in any of these. These are just silly faces she pulls all the time. She is so cute! (Seryn loves these pictures. She will point to the picture and then to herself and smile. If you ask her if it's her, she nodds. She's so cute!!!)

Lylli started school today and don't worry, there are pictures. But I thought that perhaps I should see how the day went before I posted them and said how excited she was!
Your girls are so cute! I love Seryn's faces, and I hope that Lylli had a great first day of school. I'm still trying to come up with some book ideas for you but I love the exerpts that you post on your blog. We hope that you guys are doing great!
What cute pictures of your girls!! I love the one where Shane is on the wagon with them. It looks like you guys have done a lot of fun things this summer. Hey, I'm sorry we never called ya while we were in town. It seemed like we were going to be there forever, and then all of a sudden our whole week was full. We really wanted to see you guys. Your family is so cute and we really wanted to catch up--maybe next time. Oh, and Kaybree always gets to go shopping in the basement as well. She loves it and acts like everything we pull out is brand new and never been worn by Mylee!!:) Aren't kids adorable?
Those faces are great!
So you definately have my interest in your books! When it ends--I think, "just a little more!" I am very excited for it to come out, as I am sure you are counting down the days!
YOur kids are so cute. We are living with my parents for awhile so we can save up to buy a house.
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