Isn't that a catchy start. But according to my husband it's true. To me, I'm just enjoying the time! I've been reading the Twilight series for my book club and I am actually enjoying it more than I thought I would. All the ladies Shane works with are - according to him - addicted to the books. I like to think of it more as enjoying the time away from reality. But we all know I'm a hopeless romantic and will do anything for a good romance read. So, DON'T BUG ME WHILE I'M READING!!! I'm just teasing.
Well, on to other news (news other than the snow coming down outside.) This last week, Layla and I started school!
I accepted a position to teach the music at the First Presbyterian Church preschool. They have music time from 9:15 to 9:45ish four days a week. So I'm there for about an hour and get Fridays off. It's similar to teaching the music in Primary. I started on Monday and so far I've enjoyed it. But just like any calling, it's sometimes overwhelming to fill big shoes. And the gal who did it before me had been doing it for 18 years! But I'm learning and having a good time. While I"m teaching, Seryn goes to work with her dad for an hour, four days a week. And she enjoys that. They are also letting Layla go to preschool as an additional bonus! She goes MWF and loves it! The fire men came the other day, and while she was very apprehensive about it, she keeps talking about it so I think she enjoyed it. And now she goes to school like Lylli! This kind of bugs Lylli, though she doesn't say as much. But I think she really liked being the only one going to school and learning stuff. However, the fighting about school has gone down dramatically at our house! (The argument where Layla says she goes to 'baby-school' just to get a rise out of Lylli.)
Yes Twilight has been one of my favorite times spent from reality!! I am glad you are liking them:) And how fun that Seryn gets to go to work with Shane!
Yes....I was also addicted to Edward. I'm pretty sure if you added up the total time for all 4 books it would be abot 3 days.....seriously.
There is absolutely no shame in admitting an addiction to Twilight. You tell Shane that I said I've read the series (the first three books) at least five times each and the fourth book twice. And I am salivating over the movie trailers. So continue your healthy obsession.
I'm glad you are teaching music, I'm sure you are doing a great job. The girls' haircuts are very cute. They all must go through the rite of passage of cutting their own hair, and we must all take pictures and retell the stories over and over again.
Very cute haircuts! I've heard so much about the books, but I have to admit I haven't succombed and read them yet. Maybe someday...
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