Thursday, November 6, 2008

I'm doing well

Just a quick note. I got my tonsils out yesterday. YUCK! But I'm doing well. I was a touch (okay, very) nervous going into the the ordeal but everything went well. I had a really good doctor and a wonderful anesthesiologist (of course, he's in my parents' ward.) Tuesday night, Shane and my dad gave me a nice blessing which calmed my nerves somewhat. Then, the anesthesiologist slipped me something to help me relax too. This surgery was a much less traumatising experience than my DNC four years ago. (Perhaps that has something to do with hormone levels too.) So, I'm pretty doped up. And with the exception of being tired and having a sore throat, I'm doing pretty well. Thank you for all of you who have been praying for me and my doctors. Also, a special thank you to my parents who have been sooo very helpful and everyone else who has helped me and my family out throughout this slight challenge. Your love is appreciated.


Amy said...

Hey Rachel, I'm glad you are doing so well. I'm sure it was nerve racking. I was a nervous wreck when Abby had hers out in February. I hope you are getting to eat lots of cold yummy stuff.

LindsC said...

I'm glad things went well and you are recovering well too. One thing that might also make you feel better is that after I had it done I felt a lot better and definatly don't get soar throats as often. It makes the whole surgery and pain worth it.

The Martinez Fam said...

I'm glad everything went so well. I didn't know you were getting your tonsils out!! Anyway, hope you have a great recovery!:) Dont you get to eat lots of popsicles when recovering from a tonsilectomy?!:)

The Bowman's said...

Rachel, YUCK! I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. I wish that we were still up there so we could take the girls for awhile. Hopefully this will keep you from getting sick as often. We miss you guys and we're praying for you!