On Friday, I finished up all my Christmas shopping!!! YAY! (It will be a very small Christmas again this year, but at least I can do a little!) On Saturday, I put together my Christmas cards to mail out. And tonight we decorated our tree! I'm officially ready for Christmas! And since I'm done with everything, I can enjoy the season.
Every year we have used the same angel at the top of our tree. I think I got it in Young Women's or something. But when we were first married, this was all we had and could afford. Now, Shane insists on using it. One year I got a real star, and he won't let us use it! This makes Lylli unhappy but every year we go with the little cloth, stuffed angel.

We usually have a Charlie Brown tree. This year, we had more options and got a nice tall and full tree! I love having a real tree. The house smells so good! And our tall ceilings are lots of fun at Christmas time!

Merry Christmas!
I love the gingerbread houses!!
Nice full tree! We like having a real tree, too. I'm still doing Christmas cards and candies, but shopping and decorating are done!
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