I just wanted to drop a quick note to let everyone know how we're doing. Fine. We are fine!! :)
I am staying very busy with my Young Women's calling. Because of the nature of my ward, I'm getting new counselors ever couple months and getting them trained, so that's kind of tough. But I'm enjoying the girls! I'm finally starting to make some good friends here, so that's been fun. Shane befriended a guy in the ward. His wife and I get along well pretty well and go to story time together. She even dragged me to Relief Society last night. (Which was probably a good thing.) I've also been building a prom dress out of camo for a girl in Casper and editing my book. I'm hoping to submit it soon, but I've been saying that for a couple months now! :)
Shane is enjoying his job at UVU. He is in meetings all the time and likes it. Apparently, if he wears green (the school's color) on Wednesdays, he gets a free 'J' dog for lunch! (I guess it's a polish sausage with some sort of BBQ sauce or something.) Anyway, Shane LOVES that! He and I are going to dinner with his boss tonight, so that should be nice. UVU's culinary instructor is going to be feeding us. Now doesn't that sound like a fun course! (One of my new friends went to culinary school and was a chef for several years. I love eating at her house!!)
Lylli's liking school still but doesn't have it much this month and next. They have half days on the first and third Fridays of every month throughout the year. And then through February, they are having half days on Thursdays too! Kind of crazy! They were offering some classes like a school newspaper, building a city and learning what people do, and a dance class for Thursdays after school. But you know Lylli. None of her friends were doing it, so she didn't want to. So I'm having her help me write a story we've wanted to create. So that's fun!
Layla is LOVING story time because she gets to go into the story time room by herself! It's her 'class'! She loves all of her little friends and is always happy.
Seryn is still into everything! She likes story time too. We see Layla into her room, then go to another area for Seryn's. It's kind of nice. The preschoolers are supposed to go by themselves and then the mom's can go sit with the toddlers. I'm surprised at how shy Seryn is when she doesn't have her sisters to bolster her confidence.
Okay, so this is eternally long. Sorry. But I did find one picture. After Christmas, we set up the girls' castle tent. They loved wearing the dresses Grandma made and playing with the castle!

We love you all!
What a cute little tent! Natalie would love it. If you ask her what her name is, she'll tell you it's Cinderella, and she's constantly telling us she's a princess, and that I am too.
The girls are beautiful! Just like princesses!
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