Okay. Let's see if I can remember everything.

Somewhere in the middle of May, I hiked up to the 'Y' on the mountain with my Young Women.
Lylli had a field day at school on her birthday! Grandma and Grandpa were in town and surprised her!
While Lylli was doing relays, we went over to an old man's house to look at all his whirly-gigs that he makes! He's a genius! And he has a lot of neat stuff! He even came out and gave us a tour of his sheds where he has antique tools and and all sorts of other things. The man was amazing! And so nice!

He made this flower pot and the girls are being sassy!

He also made this! It's hilarious. In case you can't read it, it says, "Self Powered Riding Lawn Mower."

Layla had her birthday on May 22nd. She's 5 and ready to start Kindergarten in the fall. She is doing well with her letters and numbers and LOVES dress up and pretend and riding her new scooter!

Seryn's birthday was May 23rd. She's 3 and loves to be with her sisters. (I don't know how it will go over when both of them are at school.) She loves to play the piano, be with mom, and ride her new scooter.

Lylli's birthday was May 27th. She's 8 and had her baptism last weekend. She loves to be outside and whenever she's inside, you can find her reading (usually her new scriptures) or coloring.

We attended Dean and Leah's wedding in Bountiful on May 28th. We are so excited to have Leah in the family. The girls love anyone who belongs to their favorite uncle! But she is wonderful! It was great to be in the temple with my family!

Lylli's baptism was June 5th here in Provo. It was nice that our families could be here and the Blevins too. It was nice to be surrounded by family on Lylli's special day. When I was in the dressing room with her, she was all smiles and told me, "I've always wondered what it was like to be baptised." Now she knows and I can see how her choice affects her daily decisions! She is a wonderful example to all of us!
I'm sure I missed something. But it was crazy! Oh, and if you want to read what I've been writing, I've been posting a book, as I write it, on my writing blog on Wednesdays as part of my Wednesday Romance series. It's been kind of fun!
I'll try to do better with my posts!
Wow, what a busy month! Happy Birthday to the girls and congratulations to Lyllie on her baptism. You guys all look great!
That is a busy May! All those birthdays is crazy! I'm excited to be moving closer to you guys!
Looks like a busy month! The pictures of the girls are great!! I hope to see you guys at Jenny's wedding next month! I know that my girls would love to play your three!
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