Here is one of the creations the girls made in the playroom. This is a temple. Can't you tell. Angel Moroni is even on top! LOL! I think they said this was the Bountiful Temple. (They made it for Dean and Leah when they came.)

And now is school season!! YAY!!

Lylli is in 3rd grade this year and is already learning cursive! (She says she already knows how to do most of it. She doesn't say so, but I know she loves it anyway!) She loves her teacher, Mrs. Clifford, and has some friends from last year in her class again, though not all of them. And she's making new friends. According to her, she's 'getting braver and standing up' for herself. :) She's currently reading, "The Enchantress of Crumbledown" at home and "Ella Enchanted" for free-time at school. I can't believe she's getting so big!

Layla will be in Kindergarten this year. They had testing this week, so she hasn't been in school yet. But she'll start next Wednesday. She is SO excited and can't wait! Poor Seryn. She wears her backpack every day to take Lylli to school. She wants to go so badly. We'll have to come up with special stuff for her to do at home!
If you didn't know, I've started school again too. I'm taking a math course to catch me up. (I haven't taken math in 13 years so I'm VERY rusty.) And I'm taking an English Creative and Imaginative Writing class. I think it will be fun, but a lot of work. Lots of reading. Lots of writing. Both things I enjoy. If only I was reading and writing what I wanted! :) I'm excited, though. I'm hoping to learn lots! And Shane's taking a Creative Writing class he's excited about.
I'll make sure and post next week. I'll have Layla's first day of school pictures. We can't miss that!
That's so exciting to be able to take some classes! Good luck to Layla on her first the way, go to the Storytelling Festival in Orem if you can, it's so fun and the girls would love it!
That was a great update! I hope Layla is liking kindergarten. Iris is enrolled in preschool now and she starts at the end of September. Lylli looks so grown up! I'm excited to see you on Sunday!
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