Seryn got her first haircut yesterday!! (Yes, I take my kids in to get their hair cut. Believe me when I tell you, they behave better for Cindy than for me!) For the girls' first hair cuts, I usually sit with them so they feel more comfortable. But, Seryn was having a rough time even on my lap. This first picture is a little fuzzy (Lylli was taking pictures) but it shows you how upset she was at first. Look! Those are REAL tears!

But, after Cindy gave her a little stuffed ostrich, she cheered right up and was even a little bit of a ham for the camera. And the best part about her hair cut... Their first one is free!!!!!!!

That first picture made me pout out my own lip! I am glad the ostrich helped!
I trim Nattie's bangs all the time, but I haven't had to worry about the rest yet (except for a long time ago, when I had to trim her newborn hair to match the length of the rest of her hair), but I have been thinking that I might take her in when the time comes to cut the rest of her hair. It is just hard to cut hair on a toddler using scissors-they don't hold still! Clippers are easy, so I do Carson's.
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