Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Spending time with Family

We stayed in town over Thanksgiving. We had a nice time visiting with much of our family. My brother and sister were both in town, so that was lots of fun. Michelle's kids even came over on Black Friday while she and her hubby went shopping! The kids had a great time. But by the end of the weekend, everyone was very tired and ready to get back to a normal schedule again. Of course, now the big excitement is Christmas and when Daddy will let us get a tree!

Lylli did some work on her quilt. (A very slow project. This is the same one she's been working on for months.) Seryn kept climbing on the chair behind her to hold her on the chair and offer any other help she might be in need of!

Seryn loved to mother her cousin Natalie. See, she's even holding Natalie's binkie! She was a little too much help at times. But don't worry, Michelle, Natalie came out of it just fine! You can still bring her over next time your in town.

Layla, Carson, and Lylli building 'something' with the linkin-logs. They had so much fun! I mean, just look at that room! And they spent most of their time in the toy room in the basement. Be grateful I didn't get a picture of that!


The Martinez Fam said...

It sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving. It's always so much fun to get together, but after a couple days of a house full of kids, it's nice to get back to normal life.:)

LindsC said...

How fun to have cousins come play. And seryn is so reminding me of Dakota.