Monday, March 3, 2008


I like puzzles, though I don't have time to do them much and the pieces always scatter on the floor. And with small mouths that taste everything on the floor, puzzles are not the wisest of ideas. This last weekend, Shane had class. And to pass the time, he found this website that has jig saw puzzles. It was a ton of fun! Last night, he and I would pick the same puzzle and race to see who would get done first. You pick the picture and then you can also change the peice number and shape. We did a bridge picture with bird-shaped pieces. And some other fun ones. I won at all but the first. The one that kicked my hind end was the Full Moon at Coast, 79 piece star. Shane beat me by two minutes!!!! It took me 18+ minutes. But I tried it again this morning and did it in 11:31!!!!!! Give it a try! It's lots of fun!

(I can't get this to lock on the 79 piece star so if you want to try that one, you'll have to change the cut.)
Don't get discouraged by this one. Try it with a different cut or a different puzzle. They're lots of fun! And there are no messes!!!!

1 comment:

LindsC said...

Sounds fun I'll have to try it. Thanks. We used to have a game like this on our really old mac that I loved so I'll be checking this one out.