Monday, March 22, 2010


A couple weeks ago was Casper's spring break and so my mom came down for the first half of the week and my mother-in-law came down for the second half. It was fun to see them both, but I mostly forgot my camera. But here are the girls blowing bubbles with Grandma.
Today the girls wanted to play with playdough but I couldn't for the life of me find it! So, the girls and I made some. It turned out pretty good.

It has been so nice the last several several days. In the 70's. So today, Layla asked to have a picnic outside for lunch today. So, the girls ate outside. They had a GREAT time!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

In the 70s? Don't I wish it was that warm here. Still, we've had a picnic too. It's just been so long since we could do much outside that even 45 to 50 degress seems nice.